Jahnke Road Improvement Project aiming for Fall 2026
The most recent newsletter from 4th District City Council representative Kristen Nye has an update on the long-stalled Jahnke Road Improvement Project:
Earlier this month, DPW received the agreements from CSX that will allow them to move forward into the next phase of the Jahnke Road Improvement Project. With the agreements in hand, DPW is working on preparing the final package to advertise the projects and to obtain the necessary property rights to construct at the CSX railroad crossing. Presently, DPW anticipates advertising for bids this summer and the bid process takes no less than three months. DPW then anticipates construction beginning this fall and being completed in Fall 2026.
Certainly, this project has experienced numerous lengthy delays, but this is the most concrete forward motion we have seen in years. We will continue to closely monitor this project and provide additional updates as we receive them.
In April 2018, the project was scheduled to be completed by Winter 2020.
The Jahnke Road Improvement Project includes the addition of an 8-foot shared use path, a 5-foot sidewalk, and a 16-foot median. The existing drainage will be upgraded from roadside ditches to a closed system with storm sewer pipe and curb and gutter. The project will improve traffic safety and flow with left turn lanes at Newell Road, Spruance Road, Forestview School Drive (entrance to Elizabeth Redd Elementary School), Irby Drive and Leicester Road. There will also be safety improvements at the CSX rail crossing.
The City of Richmond awarded the project to a design consultant in December, 2008.