83 units of affordable senior housing slated for Bainbridge

Dec 22, 2023 | by

From 5th District Councilmember Stephanie Lynch’s email newsletter:

Project:HOMES is excited to begin the development process of 83 units of affordable senior rental housing at 2100 Bainbridge Street. This new construction project will utilize a previously vacant storage site for much needed affordable housing. The project will be financed through tax credits from Virginia Housing, and grant funds from the city of Richmond and the state. Construction is expected to start in the early summer of 2024, and they hope to have construction completed and be leasing the units in 2026.

We are expecting the red brick building to be demo’d in the new year and are excited to have this be one of two new build projects geared towards seniors in the 5th District. The other project is with Commonwealth Catholic Charities at 1905 Semmes Ave.

2100 Bainbridge Street (Aug 2023) via Google
