Sixty new apartments proposed for Hull Street
A special use permit is winding it’s way through the process to allow “for the purpose of a mixed-use building with off-street parking” at 1401-1407 Hull Street.
The new apartment building would contain ground level commercial space, 60 multifamily dwelling units, and a parking garage. The apartments appear to be market rate. [per Richmond BizSense: “The developers are pursuing low-income housing tax credits to help finance the development.”]
The property sold for an unlisted amount in March of 2023. The last listed sale was for just over $120,000 in October of 2015. According to Google Streetview the properties have been vacant since at least 2007.

1401-1407 Hull Street (2023)(via Google Maps)
This was approved by the Planning Commission last night
Planned 5-story building on Hull Street gets approval despite concerns