Council to consider five-story apartment building for Hull Street (UPDATED)

Feb 11, 2024 | by

UPDATE 2/12 : This has been continued to Monday, February 26, 2024

The agenda for Monday’s City Council meeting includes one item specific to this side of the river.

Ordinance No. 2024-020 (on the Consent Agenda) will authorize the special use of the properties known as 1401 Hull Street and 1407 Hull Street for the purpose of a mixed-use building with off-street parking. The new apartment building would contain ground level commercial space, 60 multifamily dwelling units, and a parking garage.

There is a petition circulating in opposition to the project on the grounds that culturally significant buildings would be lost, and that the affordable housing provided is not actually affordable.

The property sold for an unlisted amount in March of 2023. The last listed sale was for just over $120,000 in October of 2015. According to Google Streetview the properties have been vacant since at least 2007.

1401-1407 Hull Street (2023)(via Google Maps)

4 thoughts on “Council to consider five-story apartment building for Hull Street (UPDATED)”

  1. I’m in support…increased density will help revitalize the neighborhood. Also, if this isn’t built it doesn’t seem likely the buildings will be rehabbed anytime soon and will just further decay and deteriorate.

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