Planning to consider 50 unit apartment complex on Lynhaven

Feb 29, 2024 | by

The Planning Commission meets on Tuesday, March 5 and will consider the sale of 2510 Lynhaven Avenue and an SUP for a 50 unit affordable apartment complex on the site:

  • ORD. 2024-050 To authorize the special use of the property known as 2510 Lynhaven Avenue for the purpose of a multifamily dwelling containing up to 50 dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions. (8th District)
  • ORD. 2024-053 To direct the sale of the City-owned real estate located at 2510 Lynhaven Avenue, consisting of 3.937± acres, for nominal consideration to YWCA Richmond, and in connection therewith to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Purchase, Sale & Development Agreement between the City and YWCA Richmond, all for the purpose of facilitating the construction of an affordable multifamily residential development. (8th District)

The site is directly adjacent to the new Broad Rock Creek Park.

The site has been vacant since 2002 and is described on the records as “Stoney Brook Apartments”.

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