The Medium is the Message opens Friday at SCAG

Mar 12, 2024 | by

The Medium is the Message opens Friday at Southside Contemporary Arts Gallery:

We’re excited to welcome artists and curators Michael Dela Dika and Adams Anne as part of the NCECA 2024 conference. They will present “The Medium is The Message” group exhibition opening March 15th 5pm with NCECA occurring March 20th-23rd.

Ceramics, as a medium, has a long history in Africa and is integral to many cultural practices across the continent. Contemporary artists from the diaspora have also used ceramics to explore and comment on their experiences of migration and identity.

‘The Medium is The Message’ is an effort to have this group exhibition become a “MEDIUM” to provide insight into ceramic works of art from artists of African descent as part of the 2024 National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) in Richmond, Virginia.

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