4th District meeting Wednesday at Westover Hills Elementary

Mar 18, 2024 | by

There will be a 4th District meeting hosted by Councilmember Kristen Nye this Wednesday at 6PM at Westover Hills Elementary:

I am delighted to invite all 4th District residents to my next District Meeting! We have a packed and informative agenda, including:
– WHES Welcome/Updates: Anna Mason, WHES PTA President
– 2024 General Assembly Session Overview/Updates: Delegate Michael Jones, Delegate Betsy Carr, and Senator Lamont Bagby
– Introduction/Overview of City Auditor’s Office: Riad Ali, City Auditor
– Parks & Recreation Updates: Chris Frelke, Director
– 4th District Updates & Questions: Councilmember Kristen Nye
We will have sandwiches and desserts catered by Stella’s Grocery! If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please email kristen.nye@rva.gov and timmy.siverd@rva.gov. See less

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