Vacant buildings in Richmond: Where are they and who owns them?

Mar 20, 2024 | by

Every so often, the city publishes a list of vacant buildings and who owns them. It’s a neat marker of a specific moment in time.

We’ve turned this list of Richmond vacants into a map that you can explore →

The current list is from October 2023 and shows 674 vacant buildings in the city. The January 2013 list had 1,370 vacant properties; by October 2015 there were over 1,600 empty buildings in the city.

In 2013 there were noticeably higher densities of vacant houses in North Highland Park, a band across Fairmount/Church Hill North, and Southside east of then-Jeff Davis Highway. These areas still have more vacants other areas, but it’s definitely not like it used to be.

There is a cluster of vacants downtown on East Broad between 1st and 2nd Street (all related) that really stand out.

I wish the list shared how long the building had been vacant – there are buildings here that feel like they’ve been empty for decades.

TOP: 2417 Harwood Street

