Campus beautification days at Huguenot, Westover Hills need volunteers!

Mar 22, 2024 | by

There are 2 great community opportunities coming up with campus beautification days at Huguenot High School and Westover Hills Elementary on the horizon.

The clean up day at Huguenot High School is Friday, March 29, from 9AM-12PM. Volunteers are needed to plant, weed, prune, spread mulch, and pick up trash. Please wear close toed shoes, and clothing you don’t mind getting dirty. Bring your own work gloves and hand tools such as pruners, loppers, shovels, and rakes. This is a great family and friend event, and all are welcome! If you are able to help, please REGISTER HERE.

There is a clean up day at Westover Hill Elementary School on Saturday, April 13, from 9-11AM. Volunteers are needed to help pick up trash, spread mulch, and beautify the WHES grounds. If you can, please bring gardening gloves, rakes, wheelbarrows, shovels, etc. Contact for more information
