New auction supports RPS Education Foundation

May 4, 2024 | by

The Richmond Public Schools Education Foundation this past week unveiled CELEBRATE RPS, a citywide, online auction. The auction has a multitude of experiences, services, and objects that you can bid on.

A few local experiences that jump out:
a personal BBQ class from Ronnie Logan,
a mobile bowling party,
home wine tasting experience with Lance Lemon,
be RPS Superintendent for a day,
a ceramics class, and
much much more.

The funds raised will support RPS teachers and students:

The funds raised through this auction will fuel catalytic initiatives at the Foundation, such as:

Investing in high-quality training to support, recruit, and retain amazing talent supporting Richmond students

Supporting Career and Technical Education initiatives that support every student, regardless of their post-graduation path, to be equipped with the skills and opportunities needed for success

Launching The Impact Lab: an innovation fund committed to improving student outcomes through innovative projects and strategic collaborations.

We are proud to initiate and replicate best practices that will enhance Richmond’s education landscape and invite you to be a part of this journey toward a brighter future for all of our students.
