Richmond Police Command Staff Walk in Manchester Lakes Apartments this evening

Jul 17, 2024 | by

Richmond Police Department command staff and Second Precinct officers will be doing a walk through of the Manchester Lakes Apartment community “to interact with residents and offer crime prevention tips.”

From the RPD:

RPD Command Staff Walk in Manchester Lakes Apartments

WHAT: Richmond Police Department Command Staff Community Walk

WHEN: 5 p.m., TODAY, July 17, 2024

WHERE: The meeting location is the Manchester Lakes Apartments on Mandalay Road

Richmond Police Department command staff and Second Precinct officers will walk through the Manchester Lakes Apartment community with collaborating public safety partners to interact with residents and offer crime prevention tips. This neighborhood has seen recent incidents of theft from motor vehicles. Participants will engage residents to better understand their needs and hear their concerns and suggestions for improvements in public safety.


This walk is part of a series as the RPD Command Staff walks and talks with residents throughout the various city precincts which has been a longstanding tradition of the department. The RPD is committed to cultivating opportunities for open dialogue and building relationships with citizens that extend beyond the response to emergencies.

Media is invited to attend.

CONTACT: Phon Hoonsan
RPD Office of Public Affairs
(804) 629-7782
