Jahnke Road Improvement Project is now at least 6 years behind schedule

Jul 30, 2024 | by

UPDATE / July 30, 2024

From Winston D. Phillips, PMP – City of Richmond – CIP Project Manager/Engineer

The Jahnke Road Improvement project is in the final review and approval stage for re-advertisement. Project advertisement is anticipated in late summer/early fall 2024.

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UPDATE / Feb 5, 2024

From Timmy Siverd, Liaison for The Honorable Kristen M. Nye:

Per Lamont [Benjamin], although CSX did not give a specific date that we can expect their approval, they anticipate it occurring this month. From there, the City will need to get VDOT approval to advertise for construction. DPW currently anticipates advertising for construction this summer.

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ORIGINAL / Jan 8, 2024

The city’s Capital Projects (CIP) & Transportation Projects page now has the Jahnke Road Improvement Project set for Summer 2026. Last year at this time the project was scheduled for Summer 2025.

In April 2018, the project was scheduled to be completed by Winter 2020.

When asked about the delay last October, Kristen Nye (City Council – 4th District) said “The entire road project is being held up by CSX approval. Once we get that sign-off, the funds are there and we are ready to go. We will keep you and others updated if we get more information but we are eager to see it move forward too.”

The estimated $17 million Jahnke Road Improvement Project includes the addition of an 8-foot shared use path, a 5-foot sidewalk, and a 16-foot median. The existing drainage will be upgraded from roadside ditches to a closed system with storm sewer pipe and curb and gutter. The project will improve traffic safety and flow with left turn lanes at Newell Road, Spruance Road, Forestview School Drive (entrance to Elizabeth Redd Elementary School), Irby Drive and Leicester Road. There will also be safety improvements at the CSX rail crossing.

The City of Richmond awarded the project to a design consultant in December, 2008.

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