2 thoughts on “RISC Mayoral Candidates Forum is this Thursday”

  1. The press release:



    All Mayoral Candidates to Attend, Along with Hundreds of RISC Members

    Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities will hold its Mayoral Candidates Forum Thursday, August 29 th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm, at Second Baptist Church Southside (3300 Broad Rock Boulevard). 400 community members are expected to attend to hear candidates’ plans to address affordable housing, unsafe living conditions in mobile homes, and gun violence.

    The candidates were sent a letter on August 16 th, detailing the format of the Forum. An excerpt reads:

    In summary, we will ask you to speak 4 different times throughout our agenda:

     90 seconds: give an overview of what an administration would look like under you as Mayor

     3 minutes: cover how you would address the problem of gun violence if elected Mayor

     3 minutes: how you would address the lack of affordable housing, and terrible living conditions in mobile homes, if elected Mayor

     1 minute: give an overview of what your relationship with RISC would look like, if elected Mayor

    RISC members have been crying out to current Mayor Levar Stoney to address the affordable housing crisis and gun violence since 2020, and to address unsafe living conditions in mobile homes since 2022.

    Below are the specific solutions RISC members have been asking for, and they’ll be listening closely to what the candidates have to say on Thursday night, especially as it relates to these solutions:

    Gun Violence: The implementation of the evidence-based proven gun violence intervention program called Group Violence Intervention (GVI)

    Affordable Housing: Follow the ordinance passed in January of 2021 which created the dedicated stream of funding for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and ensure that at least half of the funds are going to create units for households earning 30% AMI and below (where there exists by far the greatest need)

    Healthy Homes: Establish and adequately fund a mobile home repair and replacement program

    All mayoral candidates (with the exception of Dr. Avula, who had not declared yet) attended the RISC Nehemiah Action on March 19th, and a GVI Roundtable on May 20th. RISC members have also met individually with each candidate.

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