McDonough Street apartment project before Council again on Monday

Sep 3, 2024 | by

The SUP for the 266 unit affordable housing development at 2201 McDonough Street is up before council again this coming Monday, after being continued from July.

Concerns have been raised about how the new community will related to Semmes Avenue. The land abuts Semmes Avenue, but is 2-to-3 stories lower. This allows for a larger development without being visually overwhelming, but makes for a challenging pedestrian connection to Semmes Avenue.

The local pro-housing advocacy group RVA YIMBY has posted a petition in favor of the development and is organizing a presence at the Council meeting to counter “opposition from the surrounding neighborhoods who think the project is too dense or who value ease of traffic over housing for others.”

The project is currently on the Consent Agenda, which indicates that it is expected to be readily approved.

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