Virginia Master Naturalist Program info session set for Broad Rock Library

Sep 11, 2024 | by

There will be a public information session about the Virginia Master Naturalist Program on September 19th at 6:30PM at the Broad Rock Library. Come out for an overview of the program and to see example displays of current projects.

The Virginia Master Naturalist Program is a statewide corps of volunteers who provide education, outreach, and service “dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities.”

Are you interested in becoming a Virginia Master Naturalist Volunteer? The first step is to complete the Basic Training Course which includes classroom presentations by experts in subjects such as ecology, geology, aquatic systems, botany, entomology, mammals, and ornithology. Course instruction is also conducted in the field – often at places you might not otherwise have an opportunity to visit!

The class runs from January 9 through April 17, 2025. Classes will be held in-person, every Thursday evening, 6:30-9:30 PM, at the Henrico County Extension Office (8600 Dixon Powers Dr). The class also includes 10 hours of field training (usually Saturdays).

The course costs $150 and scholarships are available.

Applications for the 2025 Training Class for new Master Naturalists
are available online HERE
. The application deadline is October 15.
