Planning to consider market for Hull Street, project on Jahnke, and more

Nov 27, 2024 | by

The Planning Commission meets Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at City Hall, and will consider 6 projects in the area:

  • ORD. 2024-311 To authorize the special use of property known as 5790 Hull Street Road for the purpose of (i) an automotive repair and automotive parts sales facility and (ii) a grocery, convenience, and specialty food store, upon certain terms and conditions, and to repeal Ord. No. 89-246-231, adopted Sept. 11, 1989, and all amendatory ordinances thereto. (9th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: The owner of the property is currently using the rear as an automative repair shop. He would like to open a food market in the front building and needs special permission to do this.

    From the application:

    The market will include freshly cut delicatessen meats, gourmet cheeses & desserts, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and a collage of multicultural delectables. I have been a business entrepreneur and restaurant owner for over forty-five years. It is my goal to bring to our neighborhood a diverse variety of tastes and flavors from around the world.

  • Ord. No. 2024-313 To close, to public use and travel, an alley in the block bounded by Maury Street, East 4th Street, Everett Street and East 3rd Street, consisting of 1,980± square feet, upon certain terms and conditions. (6th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: The property owner wants to build 35 2-unit townhomes on the whole block, but the parcel is partially bisected by a public alley. They want to close the alley.

  • ORD. 2024-311 resolution of the Richmond City Planning Commission approving a final community unit plan amendment for Stony Point Shopping Center, to authorize the construction of restaurant outdoor seating located at 3088 Stony Point Road, within map section e of the southern portion of the Stony Point Community Unit Plan

    WHAT IT MEANS: Approves outdoor seating for The Granite Grill and Bar

  • ORD. 2024-282 To authorize the special use of the property known as 1321 Porter Street for the purpose of a multifamily dwelling containing up to four dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions. (6th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: They want to develop something with slightly more density than is currently allowed

  • ORD. 2024-311 To authorize the special use of the property known as 6241 Forest Hill Avenue for the purpose of up to two single-family detached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions. (4th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit to authorize the construction of one single-family detached dwelling on top of a garage behind their house.

  • ORD. 2024-311 To authorize the special use of the property known as 7100 Jahnke Road for the purpose of a mixed-use building containing up to 14 dwelling units, with off-street parking, upon certain terms and conditions. (4th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: They would like to build a 3 story building with 14 dwelling units (7 of which would be short term – like AirBNB) and 3,250 square feet of commercial space for “neighborhood-serving commercial uses such as “retail; office; art galleries; barber shops and beauty salons, including manicure, spa, tanning and similar services; and specialty food and beverage stores (including retail bakery); laundromats and laundry and dry-cleaning pick-up; and restaurants and other food and beverage establishments.”
