Killings down more than 20% in South Richmond in 2024
We recorded 23 people killed in South Richmond in 2024, a 23% drop from the 30 killed in 2023.
Here is the list and interactive map →
The RPD’s Crime Incident Information database shows 54 homicides in Richmond in 2024, down from 63 in 2023 (an 8.5% drop).
We weren’t able to locate 4 of the killings in the RPD’s Crime Incident Information database, including the June death of Emonyi Rainey, the September shooting death of Malcolm Coleman AKA Mack Ben Widdit, a mid-December shooting on Walmsley, and the Christmas Day shooting on Clarkson Road.
In addition, per RPD’s Crime Incident Information, there were killings on March 27 on the 3400 block of Walmsley Boulevard and on October 5 on the 3600 block of Richmond Highway that we missed along the way.
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