Council to consider mixed use on Jahnke, call for plan for part of Swansboro, more

Jan 27, 2025 | by

The agenda for tonight’s City Council meeting has a number of items specific to this side of the river:

  • ORD. 2024-312 To authorize the special use of the property known as 7100 Jahnke Road for the purpose of a mixed-use building containing up to 14 dwelling units, with off-street parking, upon certain terms and conditions. (4th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: They would like to build a 3 story building with 14 dwelling units (7 of which would be short term – like AirBNB) and 3,250 square feet of commercial space for “neighborhood-serving commercial uses such as “retail; office; art galleries; barber shops and beauty salons, including manicure, spa, tanning and similar services; and specialty food and beverage stores (including retail bakery); laundromats and laundry and dry-cleaning pick-up; and restaurants and other food and beverage establishments.”

  • ORD. 2025-009 To accept a quitclaim deed from the School Board conveying a portion of 1211 Jahnke Road and commonly known as Westover Park to the City and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to act on behalf of the City in executing such deed. (4th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: Transfers the land behind Westover Hills Elementary School from the School Board to the city, to get fixed up as a park

  • ORD. 2025-010 To designate the 900 block of Decatur Street in honor of Reverend Robert A. Winfree. (6th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: Calls for commemorative street signs for the block “to honor the civic, charitable, and religious contributions of Rev. Robert A. Winfree, who pastors New Life Deliverance Tabernacle” located on this block

  • RES. 2025-R007 To direct the City Planning Commission, as a part of its required review of the Master Plan in 2025, to prepare, submit to public hearing, and consider an amendment to the Master Plan that identifies the area generally bounded by Riverside Drive, Cowardin Avenue, Hull Street, and West 24th Street as a Neighborhood Node and to request that the Chief Administrative Officer cause the Department of Planning and Development Review, the Department of Public Works, the Department of Economic Development, and the Department of Housing and Community Development to collectively work with the City Planning Commission to prepare such amendment to the Master Plan. (5th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: Says we need a plan for this area. Calls for City Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the idea of making the area described a Neighborhood Node with regard to the city’s Master Plan, which would call for a detailed vision for land use, transportation, and economic development in the Study Area that prioritizes placemaking, streetscapes, roadway safety improvements, and additional commercial uses.
