Planning to consider more housing for Decatur and Dana streets, greenspace along Slave Trail

Jan 31, 2025 | by

The Planning Commission meets Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at City Hall, and will consider the following projects in the area:

  • Ord. No. 2024-328 To authorize the special use of the property known as 2501 Dana Street for the purpose of up to three single-family detached dwellings, upon certain
    terms and conditions. (8th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: The address is a double lot. Instead of 2 houses, they would like to build 3 with smaller yards.

  • Ord. No. 2025-012 To authorize the special use of the property known as 3401 Decatur Street for the purpose of two single-family detached dwellings, upon certain terms
    and conditions. (8th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: They would like to split the lot at 3401 Decatur Street and build a new house next to the existing house

  • Ord. No. 2025-020 To declare a public necessity for and to authorize the acquisition of the parcels of real property owned by the Capital Region Land Conservancy, Inc., located at 1401 Brander Street and 1421 Brander Street for the purpose of maintaining such properties as public greenspace and enhancing connectivity for the Richmond Slave Trail within the James River Park System. (6th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: Ensures that the wooded lots will stay greenspace to enhance the Richmond Slave Trail within the James River Park System

  • Ord. No. 2025-021 To grant a conservation and open-space easement on the property known as 1401 Brander Street and 1421 Brander Street to the Capital Region Land Conservancy, Inc. and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. (6th District)

    WHAT IT MEANS: Ensures that the wooded lots will stay greenspace to enhance the Richmond Slave Trail within the James River Park System
