Planning to consider consider 180 apartments on Snead Road, mixed use for Jahnke Road
Ord. No. 2024-312 To authorize the special use of the property known as 7100 Jahnke Road for the purpose of a mixed-use building containing up to 14 dwelling units, with off-street parking, upon certain terms and conditions.
(4th District)WHAT IT MEANS: They would like to build a 3 story building with 14 dwelling units (7 of which would be short term – like AirBNB) and 3,250 square feet of commercial space for “neighborhood-serving commercial uses such as “retail; office; art galleries; barber shops and beauty salons, including manicure, spa, tanning and similar services; and specialty food and beverage stores (including retail bakery); laundromats and laundry and dry-cleaning pick-up; and restaurants and other food and beverage establishments.”
Ord. No. 2025-022 To authorize the special use of the property known as 1001 Barlen Drive for the purpose of up to two single-family detached dwellings, upon certain terms and conditions. (9th District)
WHAT IT MEANS: A second dwelling unit was built by a previous owner circa 1998 without an approved special use permit nor with a building permit. This makes that unit legal.
Ord. No. 2025-025 To authorize the special use of the properties known as 5009 Rear Snead Road, 5015 Snead Road, and 5015 Rear Snead Road for the purpose of up to 180 multifamily dwelling units and a clubhouse, upon certain terms and conditions. (9th District)
WHAT IT MEANS: 3-story multifamily affordable housing. Of note is the first proposed housing development to come through in a while that is opposed by Planning staff – for among other things being “located in an un-walkable, car-dependent area, far from frequent transit, employment centers, and services”.
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