What is South Richmond News?

This is the very beginning of some sort of community news & events place for South Richmond. This is a work in progress.

This is for Richmond south of the James River. We want to explore the past/present/future of the city from Forest Hill Avenue to Hull Street, from Broad Rock to Richmond Highway and Commerce Road.

Want to be a part of this?

South Richmond News could be many different things, depending on who gets involved. We hope to find a way to share stories about the area that are not being told, to offer opportunities to make real world connections, and to support and amplify existing community efforts.

We need many voices and many talents. Do you have a story idea? Are you a photographer? Want to help cover local events? Interested in local government? Have a suggestion for someone to interview? We’d love for you to contribute.

If you’d like to be a part of this or have any questions or suggestions please contact us.

Right now we are in the process of building a website, and starting to gather local news sources and connections.

South Richmond News is published by John Murden. Prior to this he was behind the community blog Church Hill People’s News from 2004-2017. He is now a resident of the Forest Hill area.
