Help plan an outdoor classroom for the Fonticello Food Forest

Feb 17, 2024 | by

Come out Wednesday 2/21 for a community visioning workshop for the future outdoor classroom/gathering space in the Fonticello Food Forest:

We will be gathering with @storefrontrva and their team of volunteer professional designers to collectively envision the most supportive space that we can create for workshops within the food forest.
We also will be discussing what types of programming people would like to see in the space.

Please join us Wednesday 2/21 from 6pm-8pm at the Richmond Flying Squad (old firehouse beside the park at 2901 Bainbridge street)
Enter through the garage doors and you will find a door to the left that will lead to the meeting space.

Children welcome, light refreshments will be provided.

Also pictured are three potential sites for this gathering space. Which site do you think is best?
