Tavares Floyd’s super secret hair salon press conference
In an email on Friday, 6th District City Council candidate Tavares Floyd announced a press conference for today, but did not share the address. I did not get a response when I asked by email, text, and voice mail – but did hear rumor of a Brookland Park address.
I showed up to the address shortly before 1PM, a beauty parlor with a large banner for the candidate out front just around the corner from the defunct Chicken Box on Brookland Park Boulevard.
Floyd met me at the front door and it went like this:
ME: Hello! I heard that there was a press conference here?
FLOYD: How did you get the address?
ME: I asked around. Can I come in?
FLOYD: I don’t know if I want to let you in
ME: But it’s a press conference
FLOYD: Yeah but it’s my press conference
ME: So are you going to let me in?
FLOYD: I don’t know hold on
And he closed the door. And it got more weird from there.
The other press showed up, some of which had been invited and some not.
After a spell we were led to the back of the salon, where a handful of Floyd’s supporters were gathered. There was also a lady getting her hair done.
It was a long 3 or 4 minutes before Floyd took the podium.

Reading prepared remarks, Floyd gave a quick general denial of the recent allegations in the abstract, framed as an attack on himself and “the people”. He singled out one of the reporters in the room, saying that they must have a crush on him for giving him so much attention.
Floyd then went into a campaign speech attacking the incumbent 6th District representative Ellen Robertson and the other challenger Willie Hilliard.
After 15 minutes or so of this he ended the “press conference”, refused to take questions, and quickly left the room. Felt like he felt like it was a mic drop moment.
This comes days after Willie Hilliard called for Floyd to drop out of the race after Floyd’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. It broke on October 19 that Floyd appears to have misrepresented his campaign contributions, and were followed by reports that Floyd is not a licensed attorney nor a funeral home owner as claimed, is not apparently related to George Floyd, and looks to have wrongly filed for travel reimbursement while serving on Family and Children’s Trust Fund of Virginia.
RELATED: This year’s City Council and School Board candidates
Tavares Floyd ‘publicly denounces’ allegations, doesn’t take questions at hair salon press conference
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