PROFILE: All City Art Club

Jan 10, 2025 | by

Chelsea Jackson at the Times-Dispatch has a great longer piece about Auz Miles, SillyGenius, and Chr!s Visions and their award-winning work as All City Art Club making mural art in South Richmond:

“I moved to Richmond in 2004 and I spent my first 15 years over here on the South Side,” Richmond muralist Silly Genius said. “I go into the city, to the museums and see all of this art, and then I go back home, it’s nothing. Abandoned buildings, tire shop, tire shop, corner store, abandoned building. And that’s it. I wanted to bring that back to where I was. Like, why can’t I just walk outside and see art like everybody else? That was what started All City.”

The All City Art Club is made up of local artists who share a goal to introduce street art to underserved communities without the goal of tourism or gentrification.

Check out our SOUTH RICHMOND MURALS & STREET ART MAP and then go see All City Art Club’s work (and others!) in person.
