Our missing sidewalks

Feb 22, 2025 | by

A map of where there are and are not sidewalks in the city of Richmond from a presentation by DPW Director Bobby Vincent (PDF) at this past Tuesday’s Forest Hill Neighborhood Association meeting.

FUN FACT: Most of the area was Chesterfield County until the 1970 annexation. Ironically, one of the reasons the city gave to support the annexation (other than 40,000 new white residents) was that Richmond would provide better services to the developing area. (Moeser & Rutledges “The Politics of Annexation: Oligarchic Power in a Southern City” page 3)

Also! The city’s map of neighborhood civic organizations is mostly blank for South Richmond. As the on-the-ground grassroots voices for the citizens, the lack of organizations in the area is a missed opportunity. Are you in an area that is not represented? Contact your City Council representative to find out how you can get started.
